Fennel is also known as Foeniculum vulgare or Sampf, Methica in Ayurveda.
Fennel has many different properties:
-increases digestive fire without aggravating Pitta
-acts as a carminative and aids in digestion
-acts as a phytoestrogen
-calms the nerves and increases mental awareness
-increases flow of mother’s milk
Ways to use fennel seeds:
1. Drink a decoction of fennel, coriander & cumin. This will reduce body heat, fever and will reduce flatulence & indigestion in infants.
2. Chew fennel seeds after every meal. This will improve appetite, taste, digestion, and will remove foul odor, reduce nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.
3. Drink a decoction of fennel seeds. This will regulate menstrual cycle & will reduce menstrual pains.
Please consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for more specific ways to use fennel.